Walking Alone and Together Origin Story
On April 1st, 2020, in the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, the three of us - Shimira Williams, Michelle King, and Marijke Hecht - set out to have a conversation on Zoom together. We three are women educators, playmakers, learning instigators, and earth troublemakers. As we were learning what it meant to be sheltered in place, we serendipitously birthed #WalkingAloneandTogether (WAAT). Through the discipline of showing up week after week, we created refugia, an area in which a population of organisms can survive through a period of unfavorable conditions. This virtual refugia was our emergent community space, centering our complex identities of race, gender, class, spirituality and geographies. As we look back, more than a year later, we can see that it is also a place of refuge and futurity inspired by Afrofuturism, SolarPunk and Indigeneity. Now, we want to offer not only a summary of what we have learned together - we also want to share the process that we developed by offering our Learning Refugia Workshops.
An Invitation to Join Us
Interested in building refugia with #WalkingAloneandTogether?
Our mixed flock presented at two conferences during the Summer of 2021. Click on the Learn More buttons to join the conversation. Share your location on the map You can add a photo, text, document, etc. to help represent you. |
Connected Learning Summit |
ASLE Biennial Conference |
Connect via Twitter at @TheCLSummit
#ConnectedLearning, #CLS2021, #WalkingAloneAndTogether |
Walking Alone and Together Field Guide
Vocabulary to Grapple With:
loitering tiny experiment |
beloved community
decay justice |
scalar love |
Ross Gay on Loitering:
Evolving Resources List
During our weekly calls we would share information like articles, essays, story-shorts, videos, etc. Recently, we started to compile these resources in a spreadsheet. Click on the Resources button to view.
An invitation to #WalkAloneandTogether with us.
Download a .PNG of the Walking Alone and Together Template card, make it your own then share using #WalkingAloneandTogether
Thank you for joining our mixed flock!
We hope to continue walking alone and together with you via Twitter using the hashtags: #WalkingAloneAndTogether #CLS2021 or #WalkingAloneAndTogether & #ASLE21 |